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Planning and Executing Construction and Contracting Projects: Tips for Consumers

Welcome to my blog. My name is Deborah. About 15 years ago, I bought an old home. We worked with several contractors to rehabilitate it, but ultimately, the foundation simply wasn't stable enough, and we had to tear it down. After that, we worked with a construction crew to build a home from the ground up. The experience was exciting and challenging, and I learned a lot through that process. I want to share construction and contracting facts and information with others so I decided to start this blog. I hope that you like the results, and I thank you for reading. Enjoy!

Planning and Executing Construction and Contracting Projects: Tips for Consumers

Should You Remove or Manage Asbestos?

by Samantha Russell

Asbestos was once a popular material for insulating buildings against cold and fire. However, research has since shown that asbestos poses serious health risks. If you discover that asbestos is present in your building, you might be wondering whether you should remove it or if it is possible to manage it in a way that removes the risks. Take a look at this information to help you decide.

Advantages of Asbestos Removal

Asbestos removal is the best way to ensure that the people who live and work in your building are not put at risk by asbestos. Breathing in asbestos fibres can lead to aggressive forms of cancer that are very difficult to treat. By removing asbestos from your home or business, you can protect your family or ensure that employees do not develop cancer and go on to make costly compensation claims against your company.

Disadvantages of Asbestos Removal

The main disadvantage of asbestos removal is the cost. Due to the health risks, you cannot safely remove asbestos yourself, so you will need to call in an asbestos removal service. They have personal protective equipment to protect them from asbestos during the removal.

Advantages of Asbestos Management

If you do not want to remove asbestos from your building, you could consider asbestos management. This process involves placing barriers around the asbestos to ensure that it cannot contaminate your living or working space. Asbestos is relatively safe as long as it is not disturbed in any way that could cause fibres to become airborne, which means that leaving it in place is not necessarily dangerous in the short term.

Disadvantages of Asbestos Management

The major downside of asbestos management is that there is no way to be sure that future construction or remodelling work will not disturb the asbestos. Even if you put up warning signs and create documentation detailing exactly where the asbestos is located, someone may ignore the warnings and end up exposed to asbestos as a result. Another consideration is that having asbestos still present in your building is likely to negatively affect the value of the property if you decide to sell it.

Remove or Manage?

The best way to decide what to do about your asbestos is to contact an asbestos removal service. They can assess the type and extent of the asbestos and let you know what the safest and most cost-efficient option is in your situation.
