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Planning and Executing Construction and Contracting Projects: Tips for Consumers

Welcome to my blog. My name is Deborah. About 15 years ago, I bought an old home. We worked with several contractors to rehabilitate it, but ultimately, the foundation simply wasn't stable enough, and we had to tear it down. After that, we worked with a construction crew to build a home from the ground up. The experience was exciting and challenging, and I learned a lot through that process. I want to share construction and contracting facts and information with others so I decided to start this blog. I hope that you like the results, and I thank you for reading. Enjoy!

Planning and Executing Construction and Contracting Projects: Tips for Consumers

Have you thought about GPR concrete scanning?

by Samantha Russell

When working on a greenfield building site, you can usually plan the layout of your development in almost any way that you wish as long as you can obtain planning consent. If you are building or extending an existing site, there will always be more challenges. GPR concrete scanning can help reduce the risks posed by some of these challenges.

What's under the ground?

One of the most significant problems when working anywhere there has already been building work is determining what is below ground level, or what may be hidden in the walls of a property. Any building is likely to have been supplied with utilities, such as water, electricity and gas. The position of these utilities should be marked on a plan, but these plans are not always accurate, and won't reflect any modifications that have been completed after the original building. Cutting through a cable or fracturing a pipe could add to the cost of the project and perhaps cause a more serious accident. Instead of risking causing damage to the site, it is better to use GPR concrete scanning to see what may be buried in concrete or under the ground before you begin coring or drilling.

What can be seen with GPR concrete scanning?

You could dig carefully into the ground to see what may be beneath the surface, but that is slow work, and there is still the risk of causing damage. Ground-penetrating radar concrete scanning is a non-destructive way of quickly assessing what obstacles your project may face. GPR concrete scanning can see through most surfaces whether they are floors, walls or concrete columns. Carrying out a scan can reveal any embedded utilities or other objects that could be in the way of the work you need to complete.

What happens after a scan?

GPR concrete scanning is usually done in conjunction with an examination of the existing property documentation. Comparing the two sources of information should identify most objects picked up by the scan. Anything that has not been previously identified will be logged and marked onto the map in the correct location so future work can be carried out safely. While GPR concrete scanning will not positively identify the objects scanned, the experience of the scanning team should enable them to look at the density of each object depicted and work out whether it is a pipe, a cable, or something more unusual.
